black and white bed linen

Cliona Chee's Art Portfolio

EEG-tested relaxing & stimulating creations
from watercolour arts
to 3D interactive Metaverse.

nature-inspired watercolour

3D assets as
stress-reducing stimuli

3D sculpted heart Mental Health Metaverse Balloon Asset
3D sculpted heart Mental Health Metaverse Balloon Asset

assets for Metaverse (VR/AR) / games / 3D Viewport: .glTF, .glb, .stl, .obj, etc

animated: .mp4, .gif, etc
software that could be used: Nomad Sculpt, Blender, Unity, etc.

*etc means some minor integrations from different ways to be explored that are the most suitable in the journey.

mindful lotus 莲 collection

behind the scenes

3D lotus Asset in interactive mental health metaverse as stress-reducing stimuli to relax and love.
3D lotus Asset in interactive mental health metaverse as stress-reducing stimuli to relax and love.

humanoid characters

files: .vrm, .vroid, .blend &// .obj etc.
exported files: .png, .pdf (for Print), .jpg, .gif, .mp4, etc.

virtual humanoid character, person, 3D metaverse avatar of @cheeartsbooks
virtual humanoid character, person, 3D metaverse avatar of @cheeartsbooks

customised logo / arts on avatar

could be exported as vKOL / virtual spokesperson

usable as Metaverse character
(VR / AR, in compatible environments,
e.g. Spatial with Unity) by mental health engineering by mental health engineering
Mental Health Engineering
Mental Health Engineering

mental health Metaverse

mental health metaverse free for all to relaxmental health metaverse free for all to relax

mental health Metaverse

Non-human Character Example: Bunga Raya Healer created for the Healing Forest in Malaysia
Non-human Character Example: Bunga Raya Healer created for the Healing Forest in Malaysia
Mental Health Advocate: virtual character
Mental Health Advocate: virtual character

metaverse asset creations with love

let's chat~!

I'd love to explore & experience more of what our creations can do!